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NFT Collection Metadata Standard

Suiet groups NFTs by their collections. Thus in order to be grouped together, individual NFTs should all reference the same collection address with a field collection_id. This collection address is itself home to an object with metadata that describes the collection. And we suggest that a collection object should have some fields for metadata to provide a better interface to users, Suiet will look to these fields in the following table:

namestringName of the collection.
descriptionstringDescription of the collection.
url (optional)UrlURL pointing to the collection's image.
external_url (optional)UrlURL pointing to an external URL defining the asset — e.g. a game's main site.

Here is a sample of the metadata:

  "type": "0x3645d45683e8bde7608d5adc677b8301f1d053dc::std_collection::CollectionMeta",
  "fields": {
    "name": "Suiet NFT collection",
    "description": "This is a suiet NFT collection.",
    "url": "",
    "external_url": ""

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